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The 2 reasons I am a therapist: 

1. I’m the type of person who values real communication, preferring, candid honesty over big, crazy crowds. “Small talk” just isn’t my thing – I find it shallow and fake.

We live in a world where, when asked how we’re doing, we robotically regurgitate a rehearsed “fine” – even when we’re not. This kind of talk exhausts me. But being real with people – actually sharing stories of pain and anxiety and celebration and healing – not only builds an incredible personal connection, it also gives me energy and a profound sense of accomplishment. 

2. I believe counseling fundamentally and positively changes people, and am honored to play a role in these changes.

Whether someone needs to safe place to let off steam, needs to gain concrete skills to practice at home, or needs help diving deep into long-standing hurt in safe and productive ways, counseling can be a tremendous, life-changing help… and I feel exceptionally lucky to call this my “job.”

My approach:

I have always had a passion for supporting individuals and families through life’s challenges, whether they are normal life adjustments or an unexpected crisis. My goal for therapy is to provide a safe place for you to explore the origin of persistent issues that leave you feeling frustrated, confused or “stuck” and gain insight into not only who you are, but also who you would like to become. I strive to encourage and support my clients, while at the same time challenging them to think deeply about their own thought processes and behaviors so that they are able to achieve positive and lasting changes. 

On a personal note:

When I am not in the office, you can find me walking the waterfront with my husband, cooking up something new in the kitchen, taking spin and barre classes or grabbing coffee with a friend. I strive to strike a balance between family, friends, work, and health, and I live my life by the mantra “the best way to find balance is to stop trying to balance everything so perfectly”.

Credentials and education:

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist #LF60755905

Master of Science, Marriage and Family Therapy
Seattle Pacific University

Bachelor of Science, Psychology and Human Development
Washington State University